Accessocraft, or Let's Get a Little Accesso-sassy!

 Accessocraft is a lesser known but no less fancy costume jewelry maker, specializing in bold and unusual statement pieces.

The company was founded in New York in the 1930s, registering the name Accessocraft NYC in 1935.  During World War II, they manufactured war relief pins, along with simpler, more tailored jewelry.  Post-war, as the fashion trends changed, they produced the larger, chunkier pieces they are most known for.

Here are a few examples of Accessocraft NYC stamps or marks.  Most often, the pieces from the 1940s-70s are marked with ACCESSOCRAFT N.Y.C. in all caps, sometimes with a copyright symbol.

Here's a Worthpoint article with more info on the company's history:  

Accessocraft Jewelry - History

Here are a couple of Accessocraft NYC pieces from my OtterCatHaus shop on Etsy:

Keep an eye out for this collectible and fun line.  They say that our ability to accessorize is what differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, and Accessocraft will improve that ability!

Take care--
Laura and the ottercat
