Bugbee and Niles, Or an Orchid Is an Orchid Is an Orchid

Bugbee and Niles was a longtime jewelry manufacturer from Providence, Rhode Island, USA.  The company was founded in 1859, and continued making jewelry through the early 1990s.  The most common design that I have found in today's marketplace is the orchid design, in both goldtone and silvertone metal, with rhinestones.

There are a couple variations for the Bugbee and Niles maker's mark.  Most often, it's a B.N. or BN, with a rare B&N version:

Here is some info on the long history of this company:

Bugbee & Niles BN vintage costume jewelry

I have a Bugbee and Niles set listed in my Etsy shop.  It's the orchid design in silvertone metal with a brooch/pendant and a pair of screwback earrings.

I've sold a couple of these sets over the years, and the earrings are always marked on the screwbacks, but the brooches often are unmarked, with a small pendant loop.

Keep an eye out for their other floral and deco designs.  Very feminine, very flowery, very wearable.

Take care and sparkle!

Laura and the ottercat
